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What is a Curettage, What is a Dental Curettage?
Curettage treatment is a deep cleaning procedure performed to prevent the progression of gum disease.
Crooked Dental Treatment
Jaw treatment refers to the misalignment of teeth that should be positioned correctly on the jawbone but are arranged differently due to various reasons, commonly known as crooked teeth.
Protective Athlete Plaques
When engaging in sports, it is crucial to prioritize human health by implementing effective protective measures.
Swiss Implant Brands
Implants are one of the most frequently used treatment methods in dentistry, and Swiss implant brands meet expectations with their wide range of high-quality options.
How is a Screw Implant Made?
Screw implants have become one of the most preferred treatment methods in recent years for permanently addressing tooth loss.
What is  Kuafaj ?
Kuafaj treatment involves repairing damaged tissues in decayed teeth and applying a filling to the remaining tooth structure, depending on the proximity to the tooth's nerves.
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