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Dental Implants Turkey

Dental Implants Turkey

Before giving information about dental clinics in Turkey and dental implant costs in Turkey, it is important to give some important information about dental or teeth implant. Dental implant treatment is a kind of surgery that reshapes damaged or missing teeth with a metal implant screw with artificial teeth that are very similar to real teeth and have similar functions. Dental implant treatment is preferred as an alternative when natural tooth roots are missing, since it is not possible to replace dentures. Dental implant treatment can be a good alternative to inappropriate dentures or bridges.

How to do dental implant treatment depends on the type of implant and the composition of the jawbone.  The biggest benefit of implants is that they provide a natural support for your new teeth. However, the healing period is likely to take months because bone healing takes a long time.

Why Are Dental Implants Applied?


Dental implants are surgically placed on the jawbone, the roots of missing teeth. Since the titanium in the implants fuses with the jawbone, cause problems or damage the bone like fixed bridges or prostheses. At the same time, these implants do not rot.

Dental implants may generally be suitable for patients in the following situations;

If patients:

  • have at least 1 or more missing teeth,
  • have a jawbone that has completed its growth,
  • bones are sufficient to fix the implants or if they can make bone graft,
  • have healthy oral tissue
  • do not have diseases that may have a negative effect on bone healing,
  • cannot or do not want to wear dentures,
  • want to improve your speaking
  • are ready to endure the dental implant procedures for several months.

What Are the Side Effects of a Dental Implant?

As with any surgical operation, some side effects can be seen in those who have dental implants. These side effects are minor and treatable.

Some of the side effects of dental implants are as follows:

  • Infection in the implanted part,
  • Injury or damage to other teeth or blood vessels,
  • Nerve damage that can cause pain, numbness or tingling in your own teeth, gums, lips or jaw
  • Sinus problems when dental implants on the chin enter one of the sinus lifts.

What are Dental Implant Procedures?

Dental implant procedures consist of various specialists, primarily an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, who is a dentist who specializes in the treatment of structures that support the teeth, such as gums and bones. Periodontist, prosthodontist, and sometimes an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist may be needed.

Because dental implants require one or more surgical operations, thorough evaluation is required to prepare for the procedure, including:

Equipped clinic: Dental x-rays and 3D images are taken, models of your teeth and jaw are designed.

Reviewing your medical history:

You should inform your doctor about the medications and/or supplements you are taking. If you have chronic heart diseases or orthopedic implants, your doctor may recommend antibiotics before surgery to prevent infection.

Treatment plan: In this plan prepared specifically for you, factors such as how many teeth you need, the condition of your jawbone and remaining teeth are taken into account.

In order to control the pain, there are local anesthesia, general anesthesia and sedation options during the operation. Your dentist will choose the most suitable option for you.

Our dental care team will provide you with a list of what to eat or drink before surgery, depending on the type of anesthesia.

Dental implant surgery is an outpatient surgery that is usually done in stages. The process of placing a dental implant includes the following steps:

  • Damaged tooth extraction
  • If necessary, preparation of the jawbone (grafting),
  • Dental implant placement,
  • Bone growth and healing,
  • Bridge placement,
  • Placing an artificial tooth.

How Long Does Dental Implant Placement Take?

Dental implant duration may vary depending on the number of teeth to be processed. In addition, there are other factors that make this process longer or shorter. The jaw structure, the process of fusion of the implant with the bone are other factors that affect the duration of the dental implant. It should not be forgotten that dental implant placement can take months.

Most of the time will pass by waiting for the new bone in the jaw to grow and heal. Depending on your situation, the special treatments performed or the materials used, some steps can sometimes be combined.

Which Dental Implant Types Do We Apply?

If your jawbone is not thick enough or too soft, you may need a bone graft before dental implant surgery. In these cases, great pressure is applied to your bone with the strong chewing effect of your jaw. Therefore, the operation will likely fail if the implant cannot be backed up.

There are several bone graft materials that can be used to rebuild a jawbone. A natural bone graft like another place in your body or a synthetic bone graft such as a bone substitute material that can provide support structures for new bone growth are some of the options. Our dentists will inform you about the most suitable options for you.

It may take several months for the transplanted bone to grow enough to support the dental implant. In some cases, only a small bone graft may be required, which can be done at the same time as the implant surgery. The condition of your jawbone will determine how your treatment progresses.

Full mouth dental implants are the longest lasting implant treatments. Because the whole mouth dental implant treatment takes longer time than the regional operations. In addition, since other problems in the mouth are tried to be eliminated in this process, it is inevitable that the process will be prolonged.

Which Country Has The Most Affordable Dental Implant Costs?

Dental implant treatments are one of the high-priced treatments because they require many materials and expertise. However, some countries offer very difficult prices for this treatment. Turkey is one of these countries. The country has many advantages, both in terms of workforce and the supply of treatment materials. For this reason, Turkey welcomes tourists from many countries of the world for health purposes.

Since it is a bridge connecting Asia and Europe, traveling to Turkey is quite easy. Turkey is a country that is preferred by tourists for touristic purposes as well as health tourism so tourism in the country has developed considerably. In the country with a developed tourism infrastructure, many health institutions are preferred for patients from many countries of the world. One of these organizations is Dentaliva. Dentaliva is one of the dental clinics that has proven itself all over the world with its expert staff and quality materials.

About Dentaliva

Dentaliva Dental Clinic was established in 2012 in Istanbul.  We provide a comfortable and peaceful environment to our patients with our disciplined and friendly staff in addition to being professional in his work by giving importance to comfort and satisfaction. Our experienced and expert dentists have adopted the principle of providing quality service. Dentaliva opened branches in different districts of Istanbul due to the demands and needs of its patients. Detanliva's 2nd branch is in Avcılar and its 3rd branch is in Altunizade.

The services we provide in our clinic;


  • Invisalign treatment (Wireless Orthodontic Treatment),
  • Full Mouth Dental Implants,
  • Implantology,
  • Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery,
  • Periodontology (Gum Treatments),
  • Prosthetic Dentistry,
  • Joint Treatment,
  • Pedodontics (Pediatric Dentistry),
  • Smile Aesthetics,
  • Laminate Veneer (Porcelain Lamina Dental Treatment),
  • Zirconium,
  • Inlay – Onlay,
  • Aesthetic Fillers,
  • Whitening,
  • Endodontics (Canal Treatment)

Why Choose Dentaliva?

Dentaliva is a dental clinic serving patients not only from Turkey but also from many countries. What makes Dentaliva such a preferred clinic is its principles and expert staff. One of the reasons for preferring Dentaliva is that dentists who are specialists in their fields answer almost all questions of patients and always apply the most accurate and best treatment for them.

The modern structure of our clinics and your sensitivity to personal hygiene are another reason why people prefer us. In our modern clinics, we apply dental treatments to our patients in the most professional way with the most advanced technological devices and high quality materials. Our treatments, where we use the latest technological tools and high quality materials, have high success rates.

Dentaliva has always adopted the principle of being transparent and honest with its patients, both in terms of treatment and in the cost of treatments. You can ask all kinds of questions to our customer representatives, from the prices of the treatments to the quality of the materials used. Before traveling to Turkey, our international patients can ask the team on our communication line not only about our clinic, but also about accommodation options and accommodation prices. If you need, we can share the hotel names closest to our clinic with you and we can give information you need about transportation.

The first and only thing you need to do to benefit from Dentaliva's professional treatments is to contact us. After this step, Dentaliva will always assist you in every step of your treatment. Our call center staff will be happy to answer your questions.

To get your appointment now Contact us via WhatsApp or by calling us.
507 624 91 19
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