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What is a Dental Cyst?

What is a Dental Cyst?

A dental cyst is a closed cavity filled with semi-solid or liquid material. Dental cysts usually occur in soft tissues such as gums, lips, and the space surrounding the tooth. These growths are not usually identified as cancer, but they can be challenging in some cases. They can cause some problems in bones and tissues.

Dentigerous cysts tend to start as uninfected growths, but a cyst begins to take over when the tooth pulp dies and the swelling bursts. As the cyst grows in size, it can put pressure on the bone tissue of the tooth at risk. This can deplete the tooth's bone structure and endanger it, requiring extraction.

How Does a Dental Cyst Occur?

Inflammation occurs when a tooth is severely damaged by decay or when the infection does not heal completely. One of the most common causes of dental cysts is irrational dentures. These dentures may cause excessive pressure on each tooth. Additionally, a weak immune system can also cause dental cysts.

A cyst develops around or inside the tooth. It is generally seen in the gums, on the sides of the crowns, at the root end of the dead tooth, and in unhealthy and previously erupted molars. However, it may take years for our patients to notice the cyst. Because there is no swelling or any pain related to their growth until they become infected. Thus, the question "Does a dental cyst cause pain?" is answered.

To diagnose the disease early and prevent the formation of dental cysts, it is important to pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • Swelling and redness of the gums
  • Pain when chewing food
  • An unpleasant odor in the mouth
  • Frequent headache

If a patient has one or more of these symptoms, it is important to see a doctor immediately. Most often, the first stage of cyst development does not reveal itself in any way and is asymptomatic. Therefore, the problem is often perceived in a triggered form. The earlier a pathology is detected, the greater the chances of a complete and successful dental cyst treatment.

What are the Types of Dental Cysts?

Dentigerous cyst: It occurs near or on a wisdom tooth that has not yet erupted. Wisdom tooth extraction is usually performed during the teenage years to prevent the development of such health problems.

Periapical cyst (radicular cyst): It is a type of oral cyst that typically occurs at the base of the tooth as a result of pulp infection or nerve death. A periapical cyst can potentially become an abscess.

Mucosal Cyst: This type of cyst usually occurs in the soft cell areas of your mouth, lips, tongue and inside your cheek. They usually occur due to trauma or irritation to the tissues in the affected areas.

Odontogenic cysts: A collection of dental cysts commonly seen in the jawbone. These types of dental cysts are extremely rare cases, but they often reach larger sizes because they are embedded in the bone and can be much more difficult to detect.

How to Treat a Dental Cyst

Treatment of any disease begins with diagnosis, and a dental cyst is no exception. Treatment requires first a general examination of the oral cavity and analysis of the symptoms reported by the patient. In addition, CT scanning is considered the most reliable way of diagnosis, as it makes it possible to identify a cyst at an early stage of its formation.

If the patient has found signs of a cyst, he or she should consult his or her dentist before the next appointment. The initial stage of the cyst under the tooth can only be detected by a specialist during examination. The specialist will help find a suitable dental cyst treatment. Until a few years ago, the only treatment was tooth extraction. This cyst treatment was not suitable for some diseases. Today, there are several ways to treat cysts.

Therapeutic Method: The therapeutic method is carried out in the initial stages, when the formation is still small. The patient can be treated without cyst removal. In this case, the dentist removes all affected tissues and previously used filling material. After this procedure, the doctor prescribes drugs that normalize and balance the acidic environment. Thus, healthy tissues maintain their vitality and the areas return to their previous state after treatment.

Dental Cyst Removal: Sometimes pulling a tooth cyst is unavoidable. In this case, the cyst is completely removed. This type of treatment is performed if the cyst is large, located in a hard-to-reach place, or has caused complications. If the entire dental cyst cannot be removed, an operation that will preserve the tooth is possible. In this case, the dentist may surgically remove the cyst or part of the tooth.

If the tooth root is destroyed and cannot be restored, removal of the cyst along with dental removal can be performed to stop the development of inflammation. After the surgery is completed, the patient is prescribed antibiotics and sanitation of the oral cavity. As usual, after affected tooth extraction, the cyst is no longer visible. The recovery period takes approximately two weeks.

Is Dental Cyst Risky?

A dental cyst is a serious and dangerous disease because the patient may not notice it for a long time. A dental cyst is considered a benign tumor, but if not detected and treated in time, it can lead to tooth loss. Because cysts are a fairly common disease of the jaw tissues, dentists recommend that patients of all ages, lifestyles and oral conditions come for regular dental checkups and examinations. This will help prevent the disease from starting and becoming more dangerous.

Things to Consider After Dental Cyst Surgery

After dental cyst surgery, there are procedures that the patient must follow and some points that he must pay attention to:

Hospital Stay: Patients can usually expect to go home after recovery. In some cases, patients may need to stay in hospital overnight, depending on the situation.

Back to Work/School: Generally, the patient needs to rest for 2 days to 2 weeks. This period may be shorter or longer depending on the type of surgery.

Physical Activity: The patient can start easy physical exercises as soon as he feels well. However, activities that put the mouth and jaw at risk should be avoided.

Nutrition: Light meals are recommended for the first 2 weeks after surgery.

Swelling: Swelling is a normal side effect of surgery but varies in severity and size. You may experience the most swelling during the 3-5 days after surgery.

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