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What Are The Dental Implant Healing Stages?

What Are The Dental Implant Healing Stages?

Dental implant healing is a process of teeth replacement by screwing into the area of missing teeth. These screws are made of titanium and are inserted into the jawbone. Dentures are also mounted on the screws.

An advantage of implant treatment is that it does not require any operation to the adjacent teeth. A single procedure is applied only for the missing tooth area. As a result of the procedure, the implant acts as a root and replaces the natural tooth. As a result of the implant healing stages, the implant acts as a root and replaces the natural tooth. Patients can easily use it like their natural teeth. Dentaliva carries out implant treatment successfully and ensures that its patients have oral health.  We plan and implement dental implant treatment in stages.

How Many Implant Healing Stages Are There?

The implant is assembled in 5 stages. Planning and operation are among these stages. In general, there are 2 methods in implant treatment. Instant  denture is the first method. In this method, implant treatment is started immediately after tooth extraction without waiting.

In the second method, it is necessary to wait for a while after tooth extraction. The waiting period can be between 1 and 3 months. The purpose of the waiting period is to ensure better bone fusion with implant.

What are the Dental Implant Stages?

Implant dental treatment has five stages. We make the necessary preliminary diagnosis before starting dental implant treatment. It is aimed to ensure the best oral hygiene just before the procedure. The first step for treatment is to place the implant in the jawbone.

We place screws made of titanium into the jaw and wait for the implant to fuse with the jaw for approximately 1-3 months. Then we start the second stage. In the second step, we place the tooth material on the titanium screws. We design zirconium or porcelain teeth according to the patient's tooth and jaw compatibility and the patient's preference. With these prosthetic teeth, the patient is rehearsed primarily by bonding or screwing methods. Then the implants are placed exactly in their places and the treatment is completed.

First Examination and Planning

We decide whether implant treatment is suitable for the patient with the first examination in implant treatment. Our experienced dentists examine the inside of the mouth in detail. They examine the gums, lower and upper jaws, the condition of the teeth, and their suitability for the implant. After the examination, planning begins. All details such as the number of implants, the structure of the implants, the type of dentures are planned. We detail this planning by taking the image of the chin with 3D tomography. Thus, we determine the area where the implant will be applied with minimum mistake and start a process that will satisfy our patient.

Operation Step

Implant operation is performed by our experienced dentists with the most appropriate planning for the patient. Before the operation, local anesthesia is applied to the teeth and jaw area. With the appropriate surgical instruments, the slots where the implant will be applied are opened and the implant is placed in these slots. The gingival part is cut, the bone is reached and screwed. After the implant is placed, the operation in this area is completed by suturing. The complete end of the operation process varies up to 3 months depending on the patient and the number of implants.

Recovery Process

The unsuccessful implant rate is around 5% worldwide. Apart from this, the implant operations that are usually performed successfully fuse to the jawbone and the patient continues to use the implant, which is made like his natural tooth, without any problems. While the implants in the lower jaw completely fuse with the bone approximately 2 months after the operation, the implants in the upper jaw completely fuse with the bone 3-4 months after the operation.

Placing the Implant

After local anesthesia, the implant is placed as planned. The jawbone of some patients may not be sufficient. In such cases, implant treatment with general anesthesia is applied because tissue reinforcement may be required.

Making the Dentures

At this stage, the denture is designed considering the patient's personal preferences and the condition of his existing teeth.  The inside of the mouth is measured. A color that will look compatible with other teeth is decided. Afterwards, the denture is prepared to adapt to the existing teeth of the patient.

What Should Be Considered Before Getting a Dental Implant?

Dental implant is a surgical procedure. It is a matter that should be considered in order not to cause irreversible problems to be experienced after the treatment by jaw surgeons who are experts in their fields and have sufficient equipment.

What are the Benefits of Implants?

Fixed dentures are applied to patients who have to use removable dentures because there are not enough teeth with implant dental treatment. With the implant treatment, the missing tooth in the mouth can be completed without the need to cut the adjacent teeth as in the bridge treatment. For patients who use removable prostheses but do not retain the dentures due to bone deficiency, the holding power of the implants can be increased by placing the implant and connecting it to the dentures. Dental implants are a popular missing tooth replacement surgery.

Contact us to get information about the stages of implant treatment and other dental treatments. Our teammates in our call center will be happy to answer your questions.

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