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What Is Invisalign?

It is a aligner orthodontic treatment that corrects your teeth with regular controls of the aligners made by taking the measurements of your teeth. The absence of any material in your mouth, such as braces treatment, is one of the most positive factors of invisalign treatment.

How Can Aligner Treatment Replace Braces Treatment?

The need for aligner treatment or braces treatment varies according to the level of crowding of the teeth. Straightening in teeth can be achieved step by step, as in braces treatment with the measurements taken privately from the mouth. In other words, aligner treatment does not replace braces treatment, in different cases, invisalign (aligner) treatment can be preferred as an alternative to treatment.

How are aligners produced according to teeth?

Measurements, photos, taken in mouth, before the aligners are produced; guide the position of your teeth in the mouth and your aligners are produced in a way to provide 0.05 mm' movement.

Am I eligible for invisalign treatment?

Invisalign treatment can be applied to every individual at almost any age. However, it will be much more convenient to get information from specialist dentists about the compatibility of your teeth, their location, and whether there are other treatments they need. Treatments in which exodontic is planned should also be planned by a specialist dentist.

When / how old can invisalign treatment be started for children?

In children who have exfoliatied all their deciduous teeth, the second molar teeth are almost erupted; that is, at the age of 13-14, if there is no opposite situation, invisalign treatment can be started.

What are the advantages of Invisalign treatment?

During invisalign treatment, there is no problem in your daily speech.
While it is advised that shelled foods, acidic foods should not be eaten or consumed in braces treatment,
As long as you remove your aligners and ensure your oral hygiene completely, you can eat and drink whatever you want in invisalign treatment.
It can be applied at any age.
Since there are no brackets pressing on your gums and lips, you will not feel a constant and painful force in your mouth.

How often should I come to my controls in Invisalign treatment?

Your controls are planned monthly by the specialist dentist. In your appointment, you will receive two aligners, both top and bottom, to change every two weeks. For instance, in a 10-aligner treatment, your controls are provided every month for 5 months.

How long should my aligners remain in my mouth?

Unless you have an important meeting or meeting, apart from the nutritional routine, the aligners should remain in your mouth for a minimum of 20 hours daily. When aligners are used under 20 hours a day, there may be disruptions in the course of treatment, and in some cases, it can even be returned to the beginning. In other words, the most important factor in the successful progression of the treatment is that you use your aligners within the specified time and take care of both aligner and oral hygiene than normal.

Can I eat and drink when my aligners are in my mouth?

While drinking water at ambient temperature does not cause any trouble, situations such as eating and consuming hot and cold can cause your aligners to deform and have negative effects on treatment.

Are my aligners noticeable from the outside?

If you do not specifically indicate that you are using aligner, it is not noticeable that you use aligner at first glance in the treatment of invalisgn.

Is there any change in my speech?

After your adaptation period has passed (about 2-3 days), since the aligners are made to fit the size of your teeth, they do not create any obstacle between your teeth and this is not reflected in your speech. When there is a situation where you need to talk a lot in your daily life (meeting, interview, presentation), you can remove your aligners for a maximum of 2 hours.

Will smoking change the color of my aligners?

Aligners made are transparent, therefore, more colored aligners are observed in individuals who smoke compared to those who do not.

Can invisalign treatment be applied to pregnant women?

The aligners produced in invisalign treatment are produced from harmless materials that pregnant women, nursing mother mothers will also use and the treatment does not cause any harm to the mother during pregnancy, breastfeeding periods.

How should I keep my aligners clean?

It should be cleaned twice a day (morning-evening) under water that is not very cold or not very hot using only a toothbrush.

Will my teeth come to pretreatment state again after the invisalign treatment ends?

At the end of the treatment, retainers are made to maintain the final shape of the teeth. Retainers are applied as aligners and wires that are bonded behind the foreteeth. In the aligners, it is aimed to protect the shape of the posterior teeth and according to the final shape of the teeth, the measurements are taken and aligners are produced. These aligners are not variable as they are in the invisalign process, the use of a total of 1 hour in night-day during the first 6 months after the treatment and only in the nights during the next 6 months is considered suitable by dentists. Retention wires, which are other retainers, are cemented to the back of the teeth according to their final shape, for the purpose of not to deform the front teeth. These wires do not have a certain period of time, there may be those who use them for many years after treatment. There is a 1-2 days of getting used to these wires. Afterwards, its existence is almost forgotten. When retainer wires are used together with the aligner in the mouth, a successful treatment end is observed.

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