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What is Gingivectomy, How is It Performed?

What is Gingivectomy, How is It Performed?

Gingivectomy can be described as the lengthening of the gingival tissue with a surgical intervention. This process is also known as 'tooth lengthening' or 'gum shortening' among the people. It is one of the treatment methods applied for periodontal diseases. It is applied both to obtain a more aesthetically beautiful tooth appearance and to treat various gum diseases. In this process, the gum tissue must be intervened. It is possible to obtain a more aesthetically beautiful smile thanks to the process based on the shaping of the gingival tissues around the tooth.

Food particles can remain between the gums, even if the teeth are brushed after eating. This may be due to the structure or shape of the gums. In such cases, gingivectomy may be required to prevent damage to both teeth and gums. Even the fact that the gums are excessively visible while speaking or laughing makes this process necessary.

Those who have the situations or problems listed above want to get more information about this procedure. Although there is a lot of information on the internet, the most accurate information for you is in our clinic. Because most dental treatments are personal. Everyone's mouth, teeth and jaw structure is different from each other.

In Which Situations Is Gingivectomy Applied?

In dentistry, gingivectomy can be applied for different purposes. Among these purposes, 3 factors are as follows:


When the gums appear more than normal when laughing or talking, it can create an aesthetically unpleasant image. In such cases, gingivectomy is performed. In order for a smile to look aesthetically pleasing, the gums should appear approximately 2 mm. Its appearance may cause aesthetic concerns in the person. You can also get this treatment to make your gums look beautiful. For this purpose, the gums in the area of the upper anterior teeth are mostly intervened.


In order for the tooth to be functionally corrected, it may sometimes be necessary to extend its length up to the gingival level. The fact that the tooth is much more functional is one of the common purposes of this procedure.

Gums Grow

If patients have a fibrotic, thick biotype, the enlargement of the gums must be tolerated. Along with gingivectomy, gingivoplasty surgery can also be preferred. Gum growth is not a very common problem.

How is Gingivectomy Performed?

One of the most frequently asked questions by our patients is how the gingivectomy treatment is applied. First, local anesthesia is applied to the area to be treated. Thus, the patient is prevented from feeling pain or pain during the procedure. Local anesthesia is primarily performed in the interventions performed for the purpose of eliminating both aesthetic concerns and gingival problems. Before starting the lengthening of the teeth, tartars are also cleaned. Teeth cleaning is an extremely important step for oral hygiene and healthy gums.

In some patients, it may be necessary to perform root surface straightening. Afterwards, the gums are intervened for the purpose of gingivectomy. Special medical instruments are used during the procedure. Also, cautery or laser instruments may be necessary. The duration of treatment is not the same for every patient. This period may vary depending on how many tooth lengths will be extended. At the same time, the length of which teeth will be extended is another factor that affects the duration of the procedure. This period can be only 15 minutes or 1 hour.

After the procedure, the gums are bandaged. The bandage protects the treated area and helps the healing to take place more smoothly. The bandage placed lasts for a week to 10 days. This bandage is not an application that prevents speaking or eating. Patients do not need to worry about the bandage used after the procedure. Complete recovery usually takes between 3 weeks and 4 weeks. Observing the applied process in its final form requires a period of 2 months. In some patients, this period may take up to 3 months. The reason for the change in the said period is that the healing rate in the tissues is not the same in every patient.

What Should Be Considered After Gingivectomy?

Some issues need to be considered after gingivectomy. The bandage placed after the procedure is one of these issues. During the time the bandage is in, the patient should eat soft foods rather than hard foods. Hard foods can hamper the healing process.

Following the dentist's advice and warnings helps a much faster and smoother healing process. Mild pain after the procedure is likely and normal. You can use the painkiller prescribed by the dentist in the indicated dosage. However, in cases where the pain is unbearable and its severity increases day by day, you should see your dentist before it's too late.

One of the important issues to be considered is that mouth and teeth cleaning should never be neglected during the recovery period. Of course, it is not possible to brush the teeth when the bandage is present. However, after feeding, you can gargle with water and clean the food particles from between the teeth. Your dentist may also recommend using mouthwash and dental floss during this time. With the help of dental floss, the food residues stuck between the teeth can be removed.

What are the Risks and Harms of Gingivectomy?

Patients who want to receive this treatment research the harms or risks of gingivectomy. This is a long-established and proven treatment. It is one of the interventions that is extremely safe if performed correctly and by an experienced dentist. However, like every surgical procedure, this treatment has some risks, albeit small. However, it should be known that the risks in this transaction are not very serious. Among the risks, bleeding and infection are the most common. Necessary precautions are taken to prevent these risks.

The important thing is that patients pay attention to their oral and dental health, cleanliness and hygiene after the procedure. In this way, it will be possible to reduce the risk of possible infection. Antibiotics are also prescribed when necessary, and the use of antibiotic medication prevents infection in the gums after the procedure.

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